Saturday, January 31, 2009

Staring at a Blank Page...

I have writer's block. I think it might be contagious (a textually transmitted disease?).

You see, until yesterday my world was as normal.

Then I realised that I had a new follower and decided (in a moment of work avoidance) to see who this new follower was.

He is an author.

A published author.

And now I can't think of anything to say...

...Or the right words to put it in.

I'm worried about spelling, grammar and other niceities.

So what chance is there that I will come up with something that 'will amaze the whole room, and be handed down to posterity with all the eclat of a proverb'?

... Approximately None

Oh, bother!

Bonus points to anyone who recognises the quote.


Femina said...

Authors don't need to be able to spell or parse. That's why they have editors. As the author in question is my friend I shall make no comments about HIS grammar and spelling... :)

Pride and Prejudice.

Givinya De Elba said...

But surely he read countless of your previous posts before making the decision to follow you in the first place, so your writing has already been judged worthy!

I noticed that on his own blog, he has used the phrase "a tad bummed" to mean disappointed. This is a writer I could like!

Femina said...

He's the author I wrote about on WTBAY when I hijacked it one day...

Hippomanic Jen said...

Oh, he's just a friend of Femina's. I can cope with a friend of Femina's dropping by.

Lilly said...

There are loads of published authors out there so dont worry. Be yourself.

The one that worries me, is an Editor who is following me - I am truly embarassed about my bad grammar - that's why my mother is not allowed to read my posts. She would have red pen all over them. She is an author and grammar Hitler. The net is a whole other medium and certain rules do ot apply. She would even mark my letters to her out of 10.

Oh and you do realise you are an author yourself every time you hit publish and we read you?

Hippomanic Jen said...

I'd never thought of myself as an author before. I'm not certain that I'm ready to think of myself as an author *wildly body-rocking at my desk*

Jen said...

well that is cool! you should have an author following you. why not. just imagine him in his underwear as you write, oh that is for public speaking. sorry.