Okay, so it was the bucket on a tractor, so there wasn't anything lousy about it.
Drove for about 4.5 hours on Friday afternoon.
Started reasonably early and got to Yeppoon Saturday just before midday. Said G'day to a few friends in the few spare hours we had, then went out to pick in the late afternoon. Picked mainly green-ish ones so that they wouldn't be over-ripe too soon.
Headed back to get as far as we could Saturday night, then finished the trip Sunday.
It was a very long way, but we have 130 mangoes ripening in the garage. They would average a kilo each (they are not small). The smell in the car was heavenly all the way home (apologies to those who can't stand the smell, you notice that I haven't tried to describe the rich fruity tang of the tropics - just so that I don't put you off your food. Aren't I kind?).
I guess the trip really comes under the category of "crazy things you can do when you are young and not tied down by kids". But we have MANGO!!
The chances that I'll be sick of the sight of them by the time they're all ripe, cut up and in the freezer?
What's my purpose now?
1 week ago
When you defrost them again are they edible as mangoes or do you have to cook with them? The only fruit I freeze is bananas and they turn to mush when they thaw out. They're kind of gross and slimy but that makes them perfect for cakes.
I'm ignoring comments about the smell of mangoes. I don't want to think about it. La la la la la la....
I love the smell of mangoes - but they can't be TOO ripe.
Fresh is best in my book though ...
I agree that there is no chance you won't be sick of them in short time now.
Femina - I generally eat them half thawed as a mango popiscle, or cook with them. I've never let them get all the way thawed out.
don't eat too many Jen - you don't want to come out in Mango hives!
Oh ho, is that a challenge to go on a weekend of mango picking with little kids in tow? You think we couldn't? I'll DO it! Just to prove the awesome power of the Mummy.
Well, at least, I WOULD do it, if I wasn't given a box of mangoes at church every Sunday.
Wow, that was a quick trip, only 4.5 hours to get there!!!
Lock your garage, I know what town you live in and I will smell them when I get close..... ;)
YUM Mango popsicles...... mmmmmm
Drooling on keyboard ...
Oh man, I love the smell of mangoes. I want mango hives just because it would make me so so happy to eat that many mangoes. Mmmmm.... Mango...
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