I broke my LBD's heart one morning this week.
I had to go out on a site visit for work. The site is in the back of beyond in very rough country. Not knowing what situation I'd find myself in I made certain that I was wearing my walking boots, just on the off-chance that I had to scramble up granite outcrops or walk any paths.
As I arrived through the door to the garage, the LBD was so excited to see me in walking boots, hat in hand.
Then I shut him outside, got into the car and left.
Remarkably, how much resentment did he hold this afternoon when I returned?
...Approximately None
What's my purpose now?
1 week ago
poor LBD, i bet you felt bad!
Although I'm not a dog-lover, even I am not immune to puppy dog eyes...
Aw, dogs. Those eyes. But don't they forgive quickly? Amazing.
Poor puppy!
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