If I wasn't motivated before, I am after last night.
I went to a graduation ceremony last night to support one of the ladies from our church who has completed the Hospital Ministry and Pastoral Care Course. As I did the course some years ago, some of my year group are now supervisors or came to support the graduates just like I did.
It was great to catch up with old friends, although the supper was in a very crowded hall.
Now I should digress to say that I was wearing a skirt that I bought some time ago and it doesn't really fit properly anymore. If I pull it up a bit the hip section fits around my tum and it's all good - as long as I wear a top that goes down beyond the point of belly and is loose below. I checked it all out in the mirror before I went, and I couldn't tell that I'd had to hitch it, and the top disguised the difference between the cantilevered belly and my thighs. I'm someone who is very critical when looking in mirrors, so it was obviously fine if I thought it was fine.
One of the lovely ladies that did the course my year came up to me amongst the crowd of people in the hall and softly (and very excitedly) questioned if I was expecting a bub?
There is nowhere to go from there. There is no response that diffuses the embarrasment for both parties. I briefly toyed with the response "No, I'm just fat!" (Thanks, Givinya for the idea from so many years ago which of course was the first thing that jumped into my head in this situation).
So I just said "No, I'm not," with what I hoped was a kind and gentle smile.
How many appropriate responses are there?
... Approximately None
What's my purpose now?
1 week ago
I don't really mind being asked if I'm pregnant. It is a little embarrassing mostly because I know the ask-er is going to be embarrassed.
In most cases I know it's because the person asking genuinely cares about my life.
OMG. That happened to me once. I was embarrassed. I need to get a workout routine going. Maybe we could start up a buddy system for motivation!
If it were a stranger you would never see again, you could say yes, and have a good old chat about it... but that would not work for someone who knows you. It certainly can give you some motivation though.
Oh gosh you are right. There is no way to respond to that but in the way that you did. The same thing happened to me - one of my grandmothers friends asked me that sam equestion, oh almost 12 years ago. I started exercising soon after. Have you noticed the older people get the ruder and louder they seem to become. This woman may not have been that old though. It's as if age gives you an excuse to say what you think regardless of how impolite it is...I can't wait ....it's never the question I would ever ask someone though to be honest, ever.
Oh dear - I've had that question too and it's awkward for everyone. I NEVER ask people if they're pregnant. Asking them only puts them in a tricky spot, because either they're not, and I've just embarrassed them, or they are but they didn't want to tell me yet, so they either have to lie to my face or tell me when they don't really want to yet.
I have, however, been known to approach other people to ask if someone is pregnant!
First of all ((hugs)) ((hugs)) ((hugs)) How aweful. It amazes me that people do that.... Surely people have better manners than that?
Dont worry I got asked that when Ella was 4 months old! Go figure?!
Again ((hugs))
I still go with saying loudly, "No, I'm just fat!"
Once I had an uncle who delicately asked me if there was any truth to the rumour that I was expecting.
I was lost for words, as I was actually 9 months along.
Now that outfit is one I should keep forever.
May I please borrow that outfit?
It might help to understand that the most embarrassed person in the room was your friend ...
June in Oz
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