I had an application to lodge and had to finish the appropriate report and fill out all the forms to go with it.
I had to arrange public notification of two applications which involved taking the signs to a town about 40 minutes from here to give to my clients. The land also had many neighbours, so I had to collate letters and notices to go to the right people, and keep it straight when stuffing the printed envelopes.
Australia Post also stuffed me up by changing the postage a couple of weeks ago without telling me, then not having the 5 cent stamps available to add to my other stamps. So I bought the new 55 cent ones, forgetting that I'd already stuck the stamps on some of the envelopes, which then meant a second trip up the street to get those envelopes specially stamped with their thingamy.
I was also on Hospital Pastoral Care this week, so lost Wednesday morning.
I needed to go 'shed sitting' a few times at my Beloved's business because both of the boys needed to go out on installations and they need someone to answer the phone and talk to any customers who come in. Fortunately I can take my laptop and do some work while I'm over there.
The other compounding factor was that today was our Church's Spring Fair which is our big fundraising activity for the year and usually makes up the budget shortfall if there is one.
This meant that I had to find time to go into one of the local ladies' wear shops in town and find three outfits to wear for the fashion parade.
Then, this year I decided to bake. I am not a natural baker. I do, however, work on the cake stall. This year I was definitely going to try to take something with me. Every other time I have tried I have used my never-fail recipes and they fail. I have made these things many times, but if it is for public consumption, they DO NOT WORK!!!!
This is my kitchen at about 10pm last night:

The photo just doesn't seem to capture the whole overwhelming feeling of mess. I must admit to having a stack attack a little earlier to get some space to work.
These are the results at about 11.30pm last night:
Apart from half a batch of the Cherry Shortbread bickies that came out looking like some alien portraits, they all worked!!! I am so proud of me. They also all sold, which was very positive reinforcement (apart from the fact that we sold nearly everything, even the dodgy-looking stuff).
The other way to waste my time was to have an idea for the apron competition. They decided to start it this year challenging people to make aprons that fit in with the theme of the stall where they work, then people can donate change to vote for their favourites. Most cash wins.
I set aside some time on Thursday morning to make it, and I got all the bits and pieces together ready to go. I went around to Mum's so that I could ask her questions at the drop of a hat.
I ended up having lunch with Mum and Dad.
At 6.30pm I decided I'd better go home to feed my Beloved.
I finished about 10pm. That wasn't part of the plan. But the finished product did have impact, and I made $74.10 (thank-you to Grandma and my parents who both made sizeable contributions). I'll find out tomorrow at church if I won.
I call it my 'Calendar Girls' apron.
How much shame do I have?
...Approximately None
I love your apron!!! Haha... nice um cupcakes!! :)
And your baking I must say was very delicious looking!
Good work!
I LOVE that apron SO MUCH that I really really want you to make one for me! I don't want it to take you a whole day though. Name your price and it can go to your Srping Fair. And I'd need the cupcakes in a DD.
Wow on the baking! It looks fabulous.
And that is a great apron - only surpassed by the great pose in the photo - I love the wooden spoon in hand - it adds to the effect!
LOVE the apron! Congrats on being a comp winner!!
Great Apron! Your baking looks yummy too.
Thanks for all your lovely feedback on the apron. You'll be pleased to know I won the competition - and recieved a $10 gift voucher at the local garden centre/coffee/giftware shop.
I'm considering Givinya's request to make one for her, but not very seriously. I'm not certain that there's enough cupcake material left over for DD cupcakes.
Love it! Cherries and all!
Oh that apron is gold! :)
ha! the strategic location of the cup.........cakes. very funny.
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