Thursday, February 24, 2011

Don't learn to touch-type if you're ever going to allow your right index finger to get caught in a falling double-hung window.

That's about it, really.

(It has stopped bleeding now, which is a bonus. It's amazing how hard it is to get blood out of denim 3/4 pants without it, either.)

Typing has become painfully slow (as my brain tries to work out which finger to substitute) or is just painful.

But how many words need a 'y', 'u', 'h', 'j', or 'n' anyway?

... *earl* ever* o*e *o* ca* t*i*k of. (Wait! I can write 'of'!!!)


Loony Lace Lady said...

Oh!! Ouch.

Will your finger survive or need amputation?

Emily Sue said...


If you didn't have that split keyboard it might be easier... ;)

Givinya De Elba said...

O* *o* poor t*i*g!

Hippomanic Jen said...

Finger requires no amputation. Just sore and bruised and has one of those 'split' type of cuts from hitting the fleshy pad with a heavy window falling to the sill/bench. At least there was no glass breakage.

Do you think I could claim worker's comp, given that it happened at work? (Just imagine filling out that incident report. It would be almost as bad as the time I accidentally shut a car door on my leg. The car was parked on a sideways slope - I'm not totally ignorant of where my body is in space)

And the typing is hilarious, given that I've had to move my right hand over slightly so that my middle finger can cover the keys belonging to the index finger. If I hadn't spotted the error in the previous paragraph, it could have been interesting. (Clue: I typed "shut" with my right hand one key to the left).

Emily Sue said...

Would have made for an even more interesting worker's comp claim...

Emily Sue said...

By the way, I love that you have a tag for 'disasters'... leading me to click it and re-read "Explosively Funny" from March 2009. Still funny!

Allegro ma non troppo said...

Poor you!