... but I'll get back to that in a minute.
I've moved heaps of times in my life. My Dad worked for the government, and we spent time as a family in Bundaberg, Barcaldine, Brisbane - notice a theme developing, we started near the beginning of the alphabet (before moving onto the next letter) - Cloncurry - and then skipped a whole heap of letters because Mum and Dad were sick of moving and decided to settle down.
Unfortunately, my current location does not host a University at all, and certainly not one that offered Town Planning, so I had to move to Brisbane to study, and then work.
After a few years of work I desperately needed OUT of the city (and my job was headed nowhere), so I started applying for Local Government work in regional centres that would have more variety.
So I moved, all alone and knowing no-one, to the lovely coastal village of Yeppoon (near Rockhampton) and enjoyed some years there. And caught myself a man. Yes, ironically enough having had a wide variety of men around at uni and reasonably large church, I fell in love with the 1 (one, let's count it out... one) single man between 18 and 45 in the smaller church. Don't tell me that God doesn't have a sense of humour.
Eventually though a small Council didn't have anywhere for me to go, so we went off to seek greener pastures a bit closer to my family (okay, back here where my parents have stayed put ever since we first moved here as a family).
So during my life I have been moved, I have chosen to move myself, and then dragged my spouse along with me as I moved.
The thing is that I don't actually like moving.
So to get back to the point of this whole yarn - on Saturday we were doing some very necessary house cleaning and I got frustrated about the fact that I still had Kevin the Kenwood Kitchen Machine's box sitting around because I hadn't decided if I should keep it or throw it out. Original boxes are very useful if you ever move again, because the styrofoam holds them in just the right position so that they are less likely to be damaged. But you have to find a place to store a half-empty box of styrofoam for all the years until then.
In a moment of ruthlessness I cut up the box and recycled it.
And we all know that, according to the laws of the universe, the chances that we will now stay in this house forever are...
... Approximately None!
Hungry Hippos!
1 day ago
Go and dig a great big garden, or start a paving project or an extension on your house. That should almost guarantee a move.
I have thrown out many a box like that knowing that indeed, one day I will probably regret it... at the moment though no sign of moving!! :)
No, no, no, Femina! I don't want to move. Fortunately the house isn't quite finished yet. And so I may be safe until it is.
If you don't want to move, don't renovate your kitchen.
If you do have to move, use crunched-up newspaper around your appliances so you can smugly congratulate yourself for not taking up valuable space with original boxes in all the intervening years.
Our pink packing paper helped me not regret similar ruthless recycling binges.
Oh yeah, original boxes. The eternal dilemma in a corner of the garage.
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