One of my theories that I've held to in the years since I started college is that once I was an adult, my shoe size would stay the same.
I may have 'blossomed' late, and put on a few extra kilos since then, but ever since I was in the last couple of years of high school my shoe size has been consistent. Or rather, it would have been consistent, except that european and US sizes are now being used for some brands, which means that the number is different even if the foot inside is actually the same.
I have in my possession a pair of knee length, high heeled black boots. I rescued them from cetain death while I was in college when Mum was culling her shoe collection. I had always loved them ever since Mum had had them.
At the moment the are actually fashionable again, but a couple of years back they lost the sole of the heels and I keep forgetting to take them down to get new ones put on. So I haven't been wearing them.
Last week I was doing a heap of silly things down town, and for a wonder remembered my boots. Sixteen dollars later and I had (re)new(ed) shoes to wear. I got them out on Sunday to wear to church.
I don't know what has happened. Feet don't change size, but obviously my calves have, because there was no way I could zip them up.
It's not like they missed by a tiny fraction, either.
And this confirms a suspicion I've had for a while that my lower legs are putting on weight. I told myself I was being overly critical and that it wasn't possible, but my calves are not something I've ever measured for any reason, so I have no point of comparison.
Except a pair of black, knee-length boots.
So, my ideas for where to go to from here?
... Approximately None. *excuse me while I have a little cry in the corner just here*
What's my purpose now?
1 week ago
You've built up muscles from walking the LBD? OR rowing, for that matter?
Okay, I have no clue... but I have to ask - what the heck kind of weather are you having up there that you can wear knee-length boots?? I'm finding sandles a bit too hot right now...
Okay, it wasn't really a good day for knee-length boots, but I was excited about being able to wear them again and it wasn't excessively hot at the unearthly hour I was getting dressed. I was preaching at our little church up in the hills - it's always cooler there!
And yes, I was going to wear the same boots I once used as part of a prostitute costume to preach in. Scary, hey?
I should perhaps mention that they don't look like prostitute boots when you don't wear them with a friends leopard print mini skirt, a low-cut blouse, teased hair and WAY too much makeup.
And just to clarify, I wasn't wearing any of the other items described.
But I was wearing other things!
I need photos.
Ahh i do understand your dilemma... for a while there I needed to wear size 9 shoes coz my feet had gotten chubby... not good.
So... you're wondering why God made it impossible for you to preach in hooker boots?
Emily Sue - you crack me up!
just to bust another theory for you - pregnancy changes your shoe size. No idea why, but it does and it's weird!!!
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