Nice and alliterative, hey?
And for my current situation - exactly right.
Well, okay, so procrastination doesn't get blog posts written. Believe me, I've got a good one brewing for the weekend before last when we went to the coast to catch up with my little brother and Giggles. But I have been busy with that slightly over-rated thing called "real life" and haven't taken the time to do more than scurry through a few of my favourite blogs to see what they've been doing. Not sufficient time to say what I've been doing. But I've been enjoying it.
However, for the last couple of evenings I've had a little mental list of things I should have been doing. Dusting and vacuuming the house, for example. I was also going to hang out a load of washing last night so that it would be dry to take in at lunchtime today. And the interior of my car certainly needs some cleaning.
I couldn't be bothered.
Surely 'can't be bothered' is not a good state to be in?
Well, it turns out that a significant part of the eastern part of Australia is undergoing a doozy of a dust storm today.
The chance that I would have felt that warm glow of acheivement if I had got all my work done?
Living it up on Spring Break
5 days ago